Podcast: Kellman on CliffCentral – What are we drinking?
Arye and I have chatted about proteins, fat and carbohydrates which make up our food from a nutrient perspective. We have not spent much time talking about water and other drinks and so in this episode we’re talking drinks. We all know that we need to drink water, but how do you know if you’ve […]

Podcast: Kellman on Cliff Central – what are carbs?
Arye and I have been chatting about the three main “macro’s” or major nutrients: protein, fats and in this episode: carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not in fashion at the moment with lentils and lollipops unfortunately being thrown into the same basket. This is a huge topic to cover in a short space of time so as always, you […]

Podcast: Kellman on Cliff Central – What is fat?
In this episode of the Informed Appetite, Arye and I talk the basics about fat: what are fats, are they bad for you and should Arye really be afraid of them? Short answer: no! Fats are an essential part of our diet. Some are better for us than others, especially from a heart perspective. Fats […]

Media interview: Detoxing and recovering from holiday overindulgence
This is the first media interview that I’m sharing on the Informed Appetite page. Earlier this year I was interviewed by Tamara LePine-Williams on ClassicFM to talk about starting the year afresh. Many people talk about a detox after over-indulging and Tamara had some great questions about what this actually means from a health perspective. While […]