Arye and I have been chatting about the three main “macro’s” or major nutrients: protein, fats and in this episode: carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not in fashion at the moment with lentils and lollipops unfortunately being thrown into the same basket. This is a huge topic to cover in a short space of time so as always, you are welcome to drop me a line and ask for more insight.
In short, not all carbohydrates are the same. When we do eat starchy foods, we should choose that are high in fiber and limit those that are high in sugars to make sure that we have stable blood sugar. If in doubt, you most probably do not eat enough fiber – most South Africans do not!
Sugar is not the devil but it is also not a saint. Avoid adding sugar to your drinks and limit eating sugary foods. If in doubt, visit a dietitian in your area!
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